Quick Selection and Grouping
Select Components

Geometry and Curves generated by GS CurveTools plug-in are grouped together and only pathCurve component is selectable in the Viewport by default. You can however switch between the components using Selection Functions.
Select Curve will select Curve (pathCurve) component of the Curve Card or Tube group
Select Geo will select geometry component of the Curve Card or Tube group
Select Group will select Group component of the Curve Card or Tube group
Components Selection commands are multi-selection capable, so it will work on any number of selections.
Group Curves in the Outliner
It is recommended to use Layers to organize your curves. However, you can also quickly group selected curves (and their components) in the Maya Outliner using Group Curves Function.
Group Curves will group all the selected curves (and their components) in the Outliner and name the Group based on the Group Name input field. If Input Filed is empty, group will have the default name (crvGrp).
Regroup by Layer

Regroup by Layer function will take all the curves and group them in the outliner based on their Layer number the name of the layer in Layer Customization Window.
Optionally, it will also apply layer color to the created groups, if the option Colorize Regrouped Layers was enabled in the options menu. Applied color is based on the color selected for that layer in Layer Customization Window.
If Layer Collections are used, collection name will be appended to the regrouped layer name.
Optionally, collections with “template” in their name can be regrouped to a separate group called “CT_Templates”. Refer to Layer Collection Options.
Select CVs Slider

Select CVs Slider will interactively select CVs of any selected curves based on the position of the slider.
Select any number of curves in the Viewport and then drag the slider. Depending on the position of the slider, different CVs will be selected.
Left of the slider is the Root of the curve and Right of the slider is the Tip of the curve.
You can also use Modifier buttons to change the behavior of the slider:

Holding Shift will additively select CVs based on the slider position.

Holding Alt button will Deselect any selected CVs based on the slider position.
Holding Ctrl button will temporarily disable the slider and allow you to reposition it without changing the selection on the curve.
Transfer Attr and Transfer UVs
Transfer Attr. and Transfer UVs buttons were already covered in the Curve Attributes and Textures and UVs chapter.
Reset Pivot

Reset Pivot button will simply reset pivot point of any number of selected curves back to its original position at the Root CVs of the curve.
Holding Shift Modifier will position the pivot point at the last CV of the curve (tip of the curve).
This command is extremely useful because if you move the first CV, or all CVs at the same time in component mode (not the curve itself in the object mode) your pivot point will not follow the curve.